
tirsdag 26. februar 2013

Why I was so mysterious

So! I got something to share with you! Well, I've got something to share with you for a week, but then I went busy, surprise, surprise.

But tonight I figured I just had to tell you, if I'd waited any longer, it wouldn't actually be news anymore:

I have become become a journalist! How cool is that!?

I've started (a possible career?) as a news reporter in the student TV here in Bergen. I don't actually have time for it, but I wanted to give it a shot. I really felt like doing something new and giving next to my studies. And I love to write and express myself. So I just did it. I also didn't want to look back to my years as a student, and just remember the inside of the study hall. But I must admit, it takes a little bit more time than I might have guessed before I started. A lot of work lays behind a reportage. So every time I see a TV program or something now, I got some respect for the people who made it. But even though it takes up a bit more of my time than I was expecting, it is a lot of fun, and a really good way to think of something other than my studies for a while. And also to meet new people and, best of all, to see the final result in the end. I haven't been that proud as after my first case in a pretty long time!

Anyways, here are my two first reportages, if you wanna check it out.. In Norwegian though.. Sorry about that. But I kind of am Norwegian. So. Hope you'll understand.

To see your own name written in a news article.. Trop bizarre.

So that's me, what is new with you?

♥ Zoubi

Funfact: It takes about twelve hours to make a two minutes reportage. Excluding all the researching. And that is a fact.

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søndag 17. februar 2013

Sunday inspo

I know it's been a while, sorry about that. But there are quite many things going on these days, you see. I like busy days with a lot going on. Though at the moment, it is a bit too much, even for me. So I just wanted to say a quick 'hi', before going to bed. Can't stay any longer, cause I'm really exhausted and need my (beauty) sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for me, meaning bigger than most days, at least. So I need to recharge my batteries a little bit before it is tomorrow. Why this will be a a big day, I promise to show you as soon as possible. So just stay tuned!

Until then, here are some inspirational photos

That is all there is time for now. 

But it won't be that long till next time. Promise.

♥ Zoubi

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onsdag 6. februar 2013

Sébastien x2

Just wanted to share with you two favorite songs by two favorite French artists, who happen to have the same name. 

La Ritournelle - Sébastien Tellier 

I've listen to Sébastien Tellier for some years now, and I still love his songs just as much. Our relationship is growing stronger and stronger as time is passing, you can say. For those who don't know his music, I would describe it as quite experimental and different. And maybe a bit weird. But weird in a positive meaning. Here he is represented with my definite favorite among all of his songs, La ritournelle. It touches me every time. It is a love song without being a cliché. If you know what I mean. There is a complete version with an instrumental introduction part that lasts for seven minutes. I prefer that one, but the video in this shorter version (in the link over) is pretty cool, so I'll share this one with you.

Morning Mist - Sébastien Schuller

Sébastien Schuller is one of my most recent discoveries from when I was searching for new music at Spotify the other day. I often tend to do that, and I've found some really great artists and bands that way. Like, as I said, Sébastien Schuller. I must admit that I haven't listen to that much of his music yet, but I like what I hear so far. Usually I don't call myself a fan before I like more than just a couple of songs, but I think I am. Out of what I've heard up till now, I think Morning Mist is my favorite. It may have the potential to become one of those songs I wanna listen to over and over again. And keep listen to for years. Like La Ritournelle.

To finish this short but oh so eventful post, in my opinion, the lyrics of La Ritournelle:

Oh nothing’s gonna change my love for you
I wanna spend my life with you
So we make love on the grass under the moon
No one can tell, damned if I do
Forever journeys on golden avenues
I drift in your eyes since I love you
I got that beat in my veins for only rule
Love is to share, mine is for you

"Love is to share, mine is for you". How beautiful is that.

♥ Zoubi
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mandag 4. februar 2013

Halvbroren cravings...

Right now there is a new Norwegian TV series called Halvbroren going on, based on a novel by Lars Saabye Christensen, with the same name. I saw the newest episode yesterday, and I remarked a coulpe of pieces I wouldn't mind having..

I actually want the whole style of actress Agnes Kittelsen in this scene. So simple but yet so classy.

I could (almost) kill for this sweater!!!

♥ Zoubi
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