I don't lie when I say that I spent about five minutes in making this bookmark. All you need is paper (in the color you want, I used ordinary white), scissor, glue, and letters in different colors (from magazines, newspapers etc.). And a creative phrase you prefer to your special bookmark. I used "I love to read" as my phrase. Other ideas (if you don't have anyone yourself..) might be "I ♥ books", "My (or Kristine's etc.) book", "What I read ATM", "Mum's book", "Dad's book" and so on. This can also be a cute little present. It might of course take a little bit more than five minutes if you need to find the letters that you need before starting. I had plenty of different letters and happened to have all the letters that I needed already.
1. Find the letters you need for your phrase.
2. Cut the book mark into the shape and size that you want (an advice is to make it double or use carton so that it becomes stiffer)
Paste the different letters the way you want them, and voilà - your personal bookmark is ready!
Simple as that!
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