Long time no see, apparently..! I have an excuse, good or not - I've been to Cologne! (And to Bonn, as a matter of fact..!) And then when I came back, I felt a bit bad for haven't doing anything serious for almost a week, meaning studying, so my life has more or less been about that after I got back home. Long sentence. Hope I'm forgiven.
Anyways, I had such a great time in Germany! I was reunited with two good German friends from my erasmus exchange, and got to speak french again (with my friends, not with the Germans, no), and I saw some new exciting places. I really couldn't have asked for more.
I also finally got to use my SLR camera again, it's been a while since last time. Since it's so big and heavy, plus I'm a bit afraid to bring it to parties ect (bet you wonder why), so unfortunately I don't use it that often. And since my iPhone take all right photos, I usually settle with that on my daily basis. But every time I travel, especially to a new place, I bring my SLR. It does take better photos, indeed. And i must say, I love photographing. After I got this camera a new interest really started to grow. But I'm not really an expert though. I read a book once, but don't know if I really learned that much. And I don't know why my good photos are good, and the bad ones are not. But, to the point, this Wednesday I'm actually going to participate on a photo course. I really look forward to it, maybe I will finally learn how to use my camera as well. Just 2,5 years after I got it.
Still, I managed to take some good shots from my trips as well (some of them must turn out good when you take 491 pics..), thought I could share some of them with you.
My trip in photos:
Travel in style.
French company.
In Germany, no doubt about that.
You're not a real tourist without a camera around your neck.
I still like autumn, I do.
This is me btw. My friend's dog makes me look so much cooler.
I love cathedrals. Don't know why. Maybe it's because we barely have any in Norway.
Like Paris, Cologne also had a Brigde of love.
Sunset silhouette.
Sunset seen from Seilbahn.
And then before going home I spent a few hours in Bonn:
Welcomed by Beethoven himself.
I love the mix of the new with the traditional.
It's good to be away for a while, but it sure is good to come back home as well.
Though I came back to, like I said, loads of work before my exams. Not exactly looking forward to that. But then, only about a month away from now; Christmas holidays.
Can't wait!
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