
onsdag 3. juli 2013

DIY: Printed painting

Hey you guys!

Sorry for my absence the past weeks. I feel, and you probably feel too, that I apologize each time I write here. Not good.

I've been back from Paris for some time already, and shortly summed up I've been some days in Oslo with family and friends before I went back to Bergen for work. Not fun.

Anyways, pictures and tips from Paris will come as soon as I've sorted out the best out of my almost thousand photos. Not easy.

But now I wanted to share a DIY with you. When an other school term is over and holiday comes, I've got more time to be creative. I have planned so many things I can do and make when the exams are finished during the semester, and then when the time comes, I'm not creative at all. But today I looked at some old pieces that I've made and also saw through all my inspo from magazines etcetera. And that helped on my creativity, and I got an idea for a really quick and simple painting!

All you need is some kind of letter stamps, like these:

And a piece of paper (preferably of good quality), scissor and maybe a frame (make sure before you start to cut the paper in the right size).

You will also need a good quote, phrase that is meaningful to you or maybe to the person you want to give your picture to. 


First try. You should be patient, this may take some time and several . 

First I was planning to leave the background white, but then I noticed how nice effect it had when I left the used stamps on the paper. So I tried to "roll the stamps around" to make some kind of pattern out of it! Afterwards I pressed some letters here and there to show that it is letters. But how you want to do the background is of course up to you.

When you're happy with the result, you simply cut it out and frame it!

 And voilà! A new painting!

I have many good quotes I'd like to use on paintings by using this technique, so don't be surprised if more photos like these shows up now and then.

♥ Zoubi
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